


Around here real and imaginary characters are shockingly always crossing paths. Diane Williams – ‘How Much Did You...

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No Respect

No Respect

I was ugly, very ugly. When I was born, the doctor smacked my mother. One night I came home. I figured, let my wife...

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Vacant Possession

Vacant Possession

'Sometimes a disappearance can be more haunting than an apparition.        Mark Fisher/k-punk - Nothing Happens....

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Radio Gaga

ou have a lot of time on your hands as an only child and one thing I used to do was pull faces in...

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I do not have an inner voice. I found this out by reading about mind exercises designed to stop you thinking, I found...

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hen you’ve finished Netflix it becomes necessary to adjust the viewing criteria. I generally...

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Further to Outlandish

Further to Outlandish

Some afterthoughts on the recent 'Onlandish Inlandish Outlandish' essayMy re-viewing of Soderbergh's  ‘Solaris’ (2002)...

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Flight & Fight

Flight & Fight

Some of the aeronautical terms used below can be examined in greater and probably more reliable detail by clicking on...

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Mortem Post

Mortem Post

An actor friend called Matthew Scurfield was a member of the repertory theatre company in Barrow-in-Furness. At one...

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David Lynch’s ‘Inland Empire’ (2006) is three hours and twelve minutes long. The first hour is inspiring, the next...

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Over the Road

Over the Road

Between the ages of nine and eighteen I lived with my parents in a leafy road in a nice house and played with the kids...

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Leaving It All Behind

Leaving It All Behind

The text below is extracted from a stab I made at an autobiography. The writing of this page-turner initially went...

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What We Talk About

What We Talk About

I posted this piece some time ago. I have linked it to a current post (09/06/09) in order to support a series of posts...

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One with Everything

One with Everything

When I was eighteen I got hold of some oil paints and a piece of hardboard and tried to paint a picture of a dream I...

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Often I'll be going along and I'll find myself thinking about Leytonstone. Leytonstone is an area on the northern edge...

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Very Birmingham

Very Birmingham

Birmingham pops into my mind all the time, unbidden. There are good reasons for this. In the early 70s we took Lumiere...

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Self Expression

Self Expression

An article in the New Scientist (07/05/2006) draws attention to a curious development in the Galapagos. In the 1960s a...

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Eruptives III

I am ten. My best friend is Simon Parker-Rhodes. Simon lives round the corner with his parents Frederick and Damaris...

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Eruptives II

I was born in Cambridge in 1944 and left it in 1965. In my late teens, having read Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road', I...

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Eruptives I

Among my fellow students at the Royal College of Art Film School in 1966 was a tall, reserved young man called Ian...

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Meat Puppetry

Meat Puppetry

This is an open-ended essay. It consists of a series of observations about a particular relationship but does not...

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Comprising rumination, reminiscence, rue, the ribald.Some of these were written as stand-alones, some were...

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